TDO has developed an integrated project

Project for Rehabilitation and Sustainable Development for Communities affected by conflict and any other disaster in Sudan

About Me

I am Nicole, a professional baker with over 10 years of experience

Areas of intervention TDO

  1.     Food Security and Livelihood
  2.    protection
  3.    Livestock
  4.    Water and Sanitation
  5.    Education
  6.     Environment conservation and climate change
  7.    Income generation
  8.     Health services
  9.     Good governance and peace building
  10.     Gender and empowering women-and GBP
  11.    Capacity building.

TDO is partnering with many international agencies which are

WFP .TDO is partnering with WFP in the field of food security and livelihood (food for recovery and food for training food for asset) in central Darfur – Mukjar- wadi Salih ,Bendisi . and Umdokhuon localities covering livelihoods activities – peace building –infrastructure-WASH – Agriculture and education activities and environmental protection and tree planting )as community assets creation, the participants of this project 80% are woen. - Also TDO was cooperating with WFP in milling voucher project, was implementing in two localities Mukjar and Umdokhun.TDO is partnering with WFP since 2010 until now 20


TDO is partnering with UNHCR in field of general protection worked environment protection, agriculture input distribution at Wadisalih and Mukjar localities , and education schools construction at Bendisi and Umdokhun and Jebal arra and police posts construction at Umdokhun aand Azum Localities ) and restocking and also implementing PSN project ( People with special needs ) from 2012 until 2016 and protection of communities .TDO is implementing PBF and CERF project in central Darfur in ( North Jabel Marra – Central Jabel Marra-West Jabel Marra –Umdokhun –Mukjar - Azum ) localities. Up to 2022.


TDO is partnering with UNDP in livelihoods and peace building project through Youth Volunteers Supporting Peace and Recovery in Darfur, implementing (restocking , Veterinary cervices construction at Artala and Birgi return villages, and income generation activities and agriculture and microfinance through project of using youth volunteers as TOT for training the clients in business development and how to access to microfinance credit from 2013 to 2022 TDO is partnering with IMC in heath , Wash and nutrition activities in west and central Darfur working at remote areas in Dar fur ( Mukjar, Baida, Mistaria, Arara and Kanko haraza) and Mukjar from 2012 up to now


TDO have been registered April 2010 and started the work in June 2010.TDO have well qualified staff in all sectors – (Agriculture – protection-Wash – Health and nutrition- Education – peace building–Livelihoods and micro-finance. Women empowerment).TDO is covering west and central Darfur, in well collaboration with the line ministries and other government body’s and all stakeholders. In field of finance TDO has qualified staff with master degrees and Audited several times with internal and external Audits. TDO obtain pre-qualification certificates from UNHCR and UNDP in field of procurement valid until 2025


TDO is cooperating with CRS in the field of infrastructure project (built crossing bridges at MuKjar CD.and communities centers in Bendisi, and SGPM (small grand project management) in the field of women youth-girls and community leaders empowerment project. and Taadut project it’s a multiple project which is including several livelihoods activities ( agriculture, saving lending internal committees SLIC, DRR. veterinary activities, nutrition, health and gender equality ). TDO is partnering with CRS since 2013 until 2022.


5- TDO was partnering with UNAMID QIPs activities implementing various activities such as water point’s maintenance and construction. Infrastructure, community empowerment by skill training, school students support by bench provision and class rooms construct and heath centers construction. Partnering since 2013 until their departure .